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Are you looking for a chance to get away from the crowded cities and immerse yourself in a cocoon of luxury, or are you hoping to get in touch with na... Are you looking for a chance to get away from the crowded cities and immerse yourself in a cocoon of luxury, or are you hoping to get in touch with nature and the elements, or is your quest for a slice of heaven and a chance to wake up to bird songs? It is a great feeling to get up at dawn in the lap of Nature, smelling the fresh, aromatic air - almost like waking up in a green paradise that is far removed from our flawed planet.

Welcome to nature. Welcome to Forest Canopy- the "Gateway to Thekkady". Situated on a beautiful hill, surrounded by lush greenery, alongside the Kottayam - Kumily Road, it is like a forest in the midst of a town, a place of unfettered freedom and tranquility-where the mind and spirit are rejuvenated - a pristine getaway
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R1T FC The Royal Oak- 2 Bed room

R1T FC The Royal Oak- 2 Bed room

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Thekkady Kumily Idukki