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Chocolate that fills your heart and soul . It's worth every penny you spend. Chocolate types 1) Bounty type coconut filling in dark chocolate - 500/-... Chocolate that fills your heart and soul . It's worth every penny you spend.
Chocolate types
1) Bounty type coconut filling in dark chocolate - 500/- per kilo

2) white chocolate with nuts- 550/-

3) Dark chocolate with nuts / dry fruits- 525/-

4) white chocolate with coconut filling- 575/-

5) Dark plain- 1 kg 400/-
6) White plain- 1 kg 450/-

6) Bar chocolate -
250/- for black and white mix ,
200/- for Dark with dry fruits and nuts .
Dark Bar plain 150/-
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LiYa Chocolate- Quality taste

LiYa Chocolate- Quality taste

Aug 03
Posted Location
Karanthur, Markaz Road, Kunnamangalam, Kerala 673571, India